General use IS code for construction work
Indian standard code for construction work IS: 456 – code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete. * IS: 383 – specifications for fine & coarse aggregate from natural sources for concrete. * IS: 2386 – methods of tests for aggregate for concrete. * IS: 2430 – methods of sampling. * IS: 4082 – specifications for storage of materials. * IS: 2116 – permissible clay, silt & fine dust contents in sand. * IS: 2250 – compressive strength test for cement mortar cubes. * IS: 269 – specifications for 33 grade OPC. * IS: 8112 – specifications for 43 grade OPC. * IS: 12269 – specifications for 53 grade OPC. * IS: 455 – specifications for PSC (Portland slag cement). * IS: 1489 – specifications for PPC (Portland pozzolana cement). * IS: 6909 – specifications for SSC (super sulphated cement). *IS: 8041 – specifications for RHPC (Rapid Hardening Portland cement). * IS: 12330 – specifications for SRPC (sulphate resistant portland cement). * IS: 6452 – specifications...